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Quit Your Day Job, Earn Back Your Time, and Achieve Financial Freedom

Build Your Dream Life Through Flipping Houses
Get the Course Today!

Unlock the Golden Handcuffs

If you’re here, you’ve already started to realize that your job alone will never allow you to reach your dreams.

A 40 hour per week career equals 80,000 hours over the course of a lifetime…and what do you get to show for it?...

A sore back from hunching over a computer or doing manual labor all day?

A 401k that will leave you with just enough to survive, but unable to live out the retirement that you deserve?

A 401k that will leave you with just enough to survive, but unable to live out the retirement that you deserve?

This is the reality for too many people.

They’re lured in by the promise of security and a reliable paycheck, and along the way they sacrifice their goals and give up on the life they truly deserve.

But if you’re here, that also means you’re ready to make a change, chase your dreams, and…

Start Building Your Dream Life

Whatever your dream life looks like, flipping houses can get you there 100x faster and more effectively than any employment.

Do you want to pay off a debt that’s been weighing on you? Take an extravagant vacation without worrying about the expenses? Buy that shiny new car in cash?

You could easily achieve any of that in just a couple good flips.

Let’s think a little bigger…

Do you want to spend more time fully present with your spouse and kids? Take time everyday to exercise and focus on your health? Pursue that passion you’ve never been able to afford, whether it’s learning to play the piano or opening a bakery?

Whatever your big dream is, you only need a year, or less, to…

Flip Your Life Around

You don’t have to wait months, or years, for a boss to award you with a 3% raise.

You don’t have to chip away at a savings account that doesn’t seem to grow.

You don’t have to spend hours of your life at work, wishing you could be anywhere.

In fact, this traditional path is a lot riskier than taking the leap into house flipping, because you’ll never be able to create true financial security for yourself.

But to create financial security, make more money than ever, and leave your 9-5, you will need some tools in your tool belt.

Trying to figure it out yourself, listening to some gurus, or following the wrong methods can all lead you right back into those golden handcuffs.

Which is why I created the only resource you’ll need:

Elite House Flipping Mastercourse

You deserve to build your dream life without wasting any more precious time. As an elite house flipper you will learn my unique and proven method to:

Break free of the “golden handcuff” mindset and confidently set off on this journey

Create an indestructible foundation for your business

Build a business that makes you money while you sleep

Fund deals, without putting up $100,000s of your own money

And quit your day job in 1 year or less!

So join the ranks of those who are brave enough to break free of the golden handcuffs and chase their dreams and take a look inside the course:

module 1


To start off, I’ll reveal the number one key to a strong foundation: your mindset. We’ll create a plan of action and set you up for long term success

module 2

Business Structure

Now it’s time to get into the essential logistics and details. I’ll show you how to create a business plan and get your supplies, vendors, and contractors while avoiding problems most flippers face.

module 3

Funding the Deal

Now that your business is set up, it’s time to get the cash to fund your deal! You don’t need as much money as you might think…and I’ll show you exactly how to get it.

module 4

Your Quintessential Team

The point of flipping is freedom, which is why you shouldn’t be doing everything yourself! I’ll go over how to build a reliable team to do the work for you.

module 5

You’re Ready To Work The Deal

I’ll reveal one of your main keys to success when analyzing and closing your deal, plus all my tips and tricks for working with wholesalers.

module 6

You Have The Deal, Now What?

Time to get the work done! Here I’ll show you how to build your vision for the project, make sure it’s ready to go, and turn your dream into a reality.

module 7

It’s Time For The End Game!

You did it! I’ll demystify the selling process, and go over the BRRR Method so that you can keep that cash flow coming for the long term.

Starting Flipping Today!


I am honored to recommend Elite House Flipping Master Course to anybody interested in getting into flipping houses. Jay is not like the typical flipper, he is very successful at it and he has shown me the ropes so I one day can be successful like him. Elite House Flipping Master Course has a large wealth of skills and real estate knowledge to ensure every flip is profitable and low cost. Jay himself was able to quit his full-time career and five head first into full-time flipping. He has done so well for himself that he now only does flips for income.

I highly suggest that you too dive head first into taking Elite House Flipping Master Course. It will change your life for the better. Plus, there is no better time to get involved in real estate than the current.

-Kevin Bernstein

This course shows what others do not, giving you the tools to succeed. My life has been transformed forever.


Life Changing if you put in the work, I have worked with Jay this past year and have just left my W-2 job. It has been a life-changing journey!

-Jimmy Jackson

Meet Your Instructor

Hi, I’m Jay LeDuc!

I grew up in Reedley, California in a double wide mobile home that was illegally parked on my great grandma's property. We were a poor family; I wore yard sale clothing, we pinched pennies and lived paycheck to paycheck.

Taught to not take any risks, I did well in school, went to college, and got a job in the automotive field as a mechanic. I was good at my trade and was making $100K a year by 30 years old. But no matter how successful I got, I always had the dream of getting into real estate.

I had $50K in my savings account, and with family responsibilities, bills, and debts, I could not get past $50-$60K in savings no matter what I did. I realized that working for someone else would never allow me to achieve my dreams. I started buying and selling used cars to supplement my income, but all it did was take too much time of my life…I worked weekdays and weekends with no end in sight.

Then, I went to a seminar on flipping houses. While I didn’t learn a foolproof method, it did help motivate me to shut down and liquidate my side business in order to pursue flipping houses. I took a chance, bought my first flip, and never stopped since!

One year later, I left my day job and doubled my salary with my side real estate flipping business. The year after that I made 6 times my prior salary after expenses.

I now invest in large apartment syndications, continue to flip houses, and love every day I spend doing it. I don’t exchange my time for money anymore and I want to show others how it’s done.

I can’t wait to work with you!

Choose the Right Option for You

Flipping Fundamentals
  • Complete Lifetime Access to the Program
  • Downloadable Audio Files for Each Lesson
  • Lifetime Access to Digital Downloads, Worksheets, and Exercises
  • 7 Modules of Course Content
  • 38 Video Lessons
  • 20 Hours of Video Education
Elite Flipping Profits
  • Complete Lifetime Access to the Program
  • Downloadable Audio Files for Each Lesson
  • Lifetime Access to Digital Downloads, Worksheets, and Exercises
  • 7 Modules of Course Content
  • 38 Video Lessons
  • 20 Hours of Video Education
  • Weekly one on one support

Satisfaction Guarantee

I know the material in this course works, and works well… but I also know you can’t know that for sure until you’re inside the course. That’s why you can join now, watch the videos, try out the assignments, and go through the process for 30 days… and if after that you’re unsatisfied for any reason just email us for a full refund.


Starting Flipping Today!